Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Why Am I in College

I don't think that this is a question a lot of college students sit down and ask themselves.  Could be that they are trying to increase their odds at finding a job.  I don't judge, because that's a part of my reason.  But the real reason is that there is a milestone that I have to set for my family.  I will be the first person in my maternal grandma's lineage to receive a bachelor's degree.  My mother received her Associate's Degree in 1982 and only went back to school for a year.  My maternal grandma, and my great grandma (1931-1998) were kicked out of high school for being teen moms.  My great great grandma (1906-2000) and my great great great grandma (1879-1958) were sharecroppers who had to pick cotton along with the family and could not go to school period.  My great great great great grandma was born a slave and was the last person in the family to have been born so.  I need to set this milestone so that the future generations cannot use the no precedence argument as an excuse to fail.