Saturday, September 5, 2015

Chanting for Things

Many of us were told that through Nichiren Buddhism, we can chant for things and get them.  Well that is true. A lot of Buddhists feel that this poses a contradiction to the 4 Noble Truths. I understand.  Have you heard that earthly desires lead to enlightenment?  Well that does happen. I realized that this year.
I struggled to acquire the funds that I needed not only to attend Morehouse College, but to stay on campus.  I had chanted for those things for a long time.I found myself becoming frustrated because I was wondering when will the breakthrough come?  Will the breakthrough come?
Then on the Saturday before my Daimoku Anniversary, I went to a SGI study meeting and we studied the lecture segment of the August 2015 edition of The Living Buddhism. After that section, and reading it for myself, I realized that I was a Bodhisattva of the Earth, and as a Bodhisattva of the Earth, I chose my life  to show the strength of the Mystic Law.  I had heard that before somewhat from Carlton Pearson via his Streaming Consciousness videos on Youtube about a year ago. I initially dismissed his claims that we chose to be here because I thought, "Who the hell would choose to be born into a hardscrabble life?"
After studying that lecture part though, I understood.  Also, I realized that everytime I said that I did not ask to be born, I slandered my Bodhisattva vow.  After that meeting and spark of enlightenment, I went back to Morehouse College financial aid office that Wednesday and was given enough money to be a fulltime student.  However I did not have enough money to live on campus.  That meant having to do 4 hour commutes in order to attend Morehouse College daily from my home in Macon, Georgia.  It would take me 2 hours to get to school, and at the end of the day, 2 hours to get back home.
I refused to settle for that.  I chanted to be able to live on campus.  I was chanting going to school, going to class, and going back home.  My mother said that the 2 hour commute might be my life for that school year.  I was not accepting that.  We were broke.  It was an exhausting thing for me, and a financial drain on her.  Also, I felt as though I deserved to be able to live on campus.  With my grades, work ethic, and character.  Hell yes I deserved it. There were times that doubt crept in, but I fought back against it.
The commute lasted a week.  I kept my faith through studying The Living Buddhism lectures.  When I read the May 2015 edition, I realized that before Buddhism, I had never been a happy person.  Then yesterday morning, before I left home, I read the SGI story of Barbara E. Jenkins.  Following her example, I chanted to take 100% responsibility for my happiness.  Afterwards, I realized that even though I had stopped blaming people for my unhappiness, I had been blaming my circumstances.  My circumstances were not totally great. Hell they were rather inconveniencing, but they were not the reason that I was unhappy.  I realized that I am truly responsible for my happiness.
That Friday, I went about my day, checking on financial aid, and housing options.  At the end of the day, I was awarded enough money to live on campus. I credit nam myoho renge kyo.
Now, I also realize how earthly desires lead to enlightenment, and the purpose of struggling for those earthly desires.  Also, I realize the while kosen rufu is a main objective, so is our human revolution. If only our external life changed, but our internal life, we would never become happy.  Also, this experience has shown me the need to follow my heart in situations like this. The mind operates on logic and in many aspects, it's great.  However in situations when I don't know what's going to happen, my mind goes into frantic mode.  However my heart does not panic.  Rather it knows.  Here's to a year of lessons and breakthroughs.


  1. Congratulations to you! Tremendous lesson which you should share ASAP!

  2. That's awesome! I've been following your struggles on the Facebook group, and I knew you'd break through. Congratulations!
