Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Chanting for Other People's Happiness=Changing Poison Into Medicine

This is a silly question, but has someone ever hurt you in your life?  If so, is the pain of the slight still fresh in your mind?  Well, I can relate.  I have been carrying around years of pain from people who hurt my feelings in one way or another.  This year, my friend and fellow Bodhisattva of the Earth Heather Brewer suggested that I chant for the happiness of someone who had hurt me.  I had started, but had stopped because the change was not coming as fast as I wanted it to come.  Then on November 24, 2015, I had decided to chant to change myself so that my life, family harmony, and  finances would improve.  I found myself sharing my Buddhist practice with more people around me, even my own family.  Also, I began to chant for other people's happiness again.  Then a few days ago, another friend and fellow Bodhisattva of the Earth Patricia assured me that chanting for people's happiness alleviates people's pain.  So today, I was chanting for the happiness of someone who had hurt me 4 years ago and I had a moment of enlightenment or aha moment.  Chanting for the happiness of those who hurt you is an example of changing poison into medicine. You are in essence taking all of those negative emotions of sadness, anger, acrimony, and hatred and turning them into impetuses for your growth and happiness.  Instead of hurting you and causing you to suffer, these negative emotions benefit you.   So for all those who were hurt by someone, let's chant nam myoho renge kyo for that individual's happiness for at least one minute a day.

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